My Serbia(マイセルビア)


【Pictures of Japan】Jelena Mladenović

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My time in Japan was almost a kind of an otherwordly experience for me. A privilege that was given to me to look closely into a world of wonder and amazement and not so rarely puzzlement. Even more, to actively participate in it’s existence. It was a time of growing, learning and metamorphosis of the view of the “outside” world for me, everything that was not included into my comfort zone. I’m back in my home country, richer spiritually and intellectually and ready to slowly start reflecting on the years past and the idea of those that are coming. One certainty will remain: wherever I am now and wherever I would be, Japan will follow along as a part of who I am and how I act, my other home and another safe place added to the list of my possible future dwellings.

Pictures of Japan

The good moments, joyous times, smiles, quiet moments of contemplation, the movement and stagnation, nature, “man-fixed” and raw – life is all that, and more. It’s the experience that I’m drawn to, the moments of others, the objects we see around us, the images lined up in order or the lack of it presumably as they would one day flash in front of our eyes when we would be leaving this world. I imagine those would be for the most part happy moments. As a picture is worth a thousand words, those tiny particles of our time called still images can carry the full complexity of an idea or capture the essence of big or small truths. It catches an “ichi-go ichi-e”, a once in a lifetime zeptosecond that cannot be repeated ever again. It’s the fascination with this possibility and potential that drives my passion for this medium of art.

I spent four magical years in Japan, teaching and learning. I am hoping to have a chance in Serbia to present the country and people of Japan through the images as seen through the lens.

Jelena Mladenović/イェレナ・ムラデノヴィッチ

English Teacher and Amateur Photographer, born in Niš, Serbia in 1984.
1984年セルビア・ニシュ市生まれ。2017年より山口県防府市に滞在。英語教師、アマチュア写真家。現在はセルビア在住。 Instagram
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